Workshops and Offerings

WEEKLY IG - Free Yoga Flows and Discussion with Various Teachers and Practitioners

Personal Growth and Transformation Sessions

Yoga practice

YOGA INFUSION ONE ON ONE - Each private session is based on your personal goals and desires. Some people come to the mat craving peace of mind, while others seek greater flexibility, and still others want to become stronger and attempt more challenging poses. I personally crave all of the above and more! Therefore, each session may include some or all of the following:

  • Pranayama (Breath practice and techniques)
  • Physical Asana (Poses to lengthen and strengthen)
  • Balance Series (To cultivate equanimity on and off the mat)
  • Guided or Ethereal Music Meditation
  • Oracle Cards (For guidance from the Spirit realm)


Personal Growth and Transformation Sessions

When we are not embodied and live in self-doubt, we default to old patterns, habits, and beliefs that keep us stuck in a rut. Bogged down by negativity and fear, we choose to stay in what we know – rather than reach for the possibility of what can be.

We need to become empowered to choose new thoughts and behaviors that align with our true potential. We can deepen our inner strength and create resiliency as we move into a new story.

Through the guided processes of the Embodied Transformation Method, you can learn these new skills and set yourself free.
I have been a student of this method and it was illuminating and life changing. I went on to study the method and become a trained facilitator so that I can share this incredible experience with you.


Have a group of friends looking to connect more deeply? Contact me and tell me about your interests and desires and I will create a custom class focusing on what is important to you. This may include themes such as:

Beginner Yoga
Girls Yoga Night Out(Gather with the girls for some sensual fun with soulful movement and great music.)

Birthday Celebration (What better way to bring in another year of life than to recognize the successes of the past year and set intentions in sacred space with friends to support you in the coming year.)


For the past five years, I have had the great blessing and honor of hosting retreats in beautiful spaces including Kripalu, Menla Mountain House, Earthdance and more.

Since March, like everyone, my world shifted and therefore so did my offerings. After attending a virtual weekend retreat and an 8- week virtual JourneyDance Remedy series, I feel refreshed, restored and renewed… and my creativity fire is stoked once again!

During the pandemic and quarantine I have learned many lessons about myself and life, including my love of solitude and my need for community. I hosted a few virtual retreats and to my great surprise, in spite of missing the physical connection, they were still profoundly HEALING and MAGICAL. Although I LOVE to love on my students with gentle adjustments and personal Reiki during sivasana, I was relieved and grateful to know that we can STILL connect, heal and find stillness together in a sacred virtual space. From stillness, possibility, hope, and creativity are born.

Move into a new story and live your passion.

The Embodied Transformation Method is a 2 or 3 month one-on-one private program designed to help you uncover your gifts so you can express them more fully in the world. Because the truth is: in order to uncover our gifts, we must go through an emotional process to notice and let go of old feelings and create new possibilities for our lives.

Here’s what’s in store for you in 6 private sessions with JourneyDance™ Facilitator and Reiki Master and RYT, Jennifer Wilkinson.

In our first session, you will share some of your story and focus on how you wish to transform so you can move into a new story. Together with Jennifer, you will co-create a path for your growth to become the creative & receptive YOU!

What do you wish for? Dive into intention, dream and desire, awakening your inner fire. This inner fire will alchemize your vision into wholeness to become the energized & empowered YOU!

Who are the voices/messages/beliefs in your head? Whether it’s society’s voice, your parents’, or our own repetitive negativity, our minds do a lot of talking – but we don’t have to listen to everything they have to say. We will dig deep and explore the origins of those voices, to see just who is running your life – and then take back the wheel. We will discover our inner shamans and guides. We will focus on the inner voice and learn to trust ourselves.You will discover you can choose your thoughts to become the powerful & discerning YOU!

We will confront what gets in your way and release the gremlin, deep shadow, and victim consciousness. We will create a new and useful relationship with our shadow. We will become the compassionate one. You will feed your demon, become its elixir, discover your most powerful ally to become the liberated & loving YOU!

Experience processes for emotional freedom, shamanic clearing, and allow for release of anything blocking your path to joy. You learn how to free yourself from the binds of energy connections that no longer serve to become the emotionally intelligent & expressive YOU!

We bring our embodied heart, our whole self to the creation of our own lives. We invite that part of you that is ready to share your gifts and move them out into the world to become the conscious & creative YOU!

Yoga Infusion On-line and Live Group Classes

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Yoga Returns

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