Jenn Waterfall (1)

You're never too old, never too bad, never too late and never too sick to start from scratch once again.

- Bikram Choudhury

Tired? Anxious? Ready to begin again? What is it that your body & soul crave?


Yoga and soulful movement are great ways to improve your strength and endurance in other physical activities. After a run, or heavy workout, yoga and grounded stretching will help your body relax and recuperate, while strengthening and lengthening muscles. These practices bring us back into our bodies.


 Yoga not only helps improve the body, but also enables us to become more present and mindful as a practice of moving meditation. With regular practice, we gain clarity and focus, helping us to stay in tune with our mind, body, and spirit.


The healing arts unite the mind, body, and soul in a way that eases tension, expands our breath, and deepens our connection to our body and each other. Now more than ever, we need to connect with like-minded seekers and find peace and stillness in chaos and uncertainty. Here is a safe and sacred place to begin or deepen your practice.

Root Chakra

10-Minute Meditation

Hand crafted, just for you with beautiful visuals, soothing sounds, and gentle guidance.